Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Rumours of my demise...

...Have been greatly exaggerated...

OK, they may as well not have been, I still don't have my Retribution (GAH!), I've been forced to proxy for 15 point games (GAAH!) and I have a kickass 28mm Predator mini (Cool, but not the Retribution I wanted, so GAAAH!).  Now, again, I SHOULD have my stuff sometime next week, but that doesn't help now.  And is probably a lie...

So really, this was all a post just to let everyone know I haven't let the side down and ran off to join, like, the Druids, or Urban War.

Also, to do ANYTHING Retribution-based, I've started up a bit of fiction.  It's been a while since I've written anything, so please, tear it apart :)

See you soon (hopefully with minis!!)

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